© 2020 Creative Strategist


This is a place for anyone and everyone who loves food. No matter if you are a beginner, homecook or masterchef, the only thing you need to fit in here, is a passion for cooking


UX, UI, Illustrations & Icons


Illustrations & Visual Design –

Recipe Cards

The recipe card helps user a lot by providing them adequate details before getting into the recipe page. The user also have save for later feature, so that they can continue browsing recipes without the worry of loosing it in the pile.

Responsive Design

User Friendliness

To avoid long scrolls we introduced swipe feature by dividing the categories by steps.


Even in desktop we had added collapse

feature to each category to avoid long

scrolls for user friendliness

For the love
of Food.

Get to know other foodies in the region, join competitions, be a forum leader or a trend setter

or the cool wall cauli-flower, this space is yours.

Let's craft
ideas together