© 2023 Creative Strategist

Private Profile

Created a humorous and engaging campaign to introduce the “Private Profile” feature, allowing users to control their profile interactions. The campaign leveraged real user scenarios and converted them into comical narratives, effectively showcasing the feature’s benefits.

Introduce and promote the new “Private Profile” feature.

Used real user scenarios and transformed them into humor-based, comical campaigns.

Campaign visuals, videos, and social media posts

Educational Videos

Developed a series of informative videos to guide users in creating high-quality content on the platform. These videos empowered users with the knowledge and tools needed to enhance their content creation skills.

Educate users on effective content creation and platform tools.

Developed informative and engaging video content using examples and tutorials on how to use the creation tools effectively.

Educational video series (12 videos) in 15 local languages and English

Standard Operating Procedure for Smooth Communication

Established a clear and efficient standard operating procedure (SOP) for stakeholders to raise design requests and handle project requirements, streamlining the communication and project management processes.

Streamline the design request process for stakeholders and address the issues in improper communication

Created a clear and efficient SOP for design requests.

Documented SOP guidelines with timelines for all the project types and respective POC’s mentioned.

Chatroom Sessions

Organized engaging chatroom sessions with celebrities and famous personalities, leveraging the space as an effective promotional platform. These sessions not only enhanced user interaction and platform visibility but also demonstrated their effectiveness in promoting advertisements and increasing revenue.

Engage users with famous personalities and promote the platform.

Organized chatroom sessions with celebrities for festivities and important days.

Event promotion materials and visuals.


Launched an offline campaign in major Indian cities to address creator issues and collaborate with content creators. The initiative strengthened the relationship between creators and the platform.

Address creator issues and promote collaboration.

Launched offline campaigns and collaborated with creators

Campaign materials, Merchs and success stories

Profile Albums

Produced a feature launch video to introduce “Profile Albums,” a feature allowing users to categorize their posts. The video effectively communicated the feature’s benefits, leading to increased user adoption and engagement.

Introduce and promote the “Profile Albums” feature.

Created a feature launch video with an example how we used to make albums when we used to have printed photos back.

Feature launch video and poster


Designed gamification elements within the platform to encourage users to become content creators and generate more content. These gamification features drove user engagement and content creation on the app.

Out of the 180 million monthly active users, less than 5% were active and regular original content creators. This means that the majority of our users were only consuming content rather than actively participating in content creation, which posed a significant challenge to the sustainability of our platform.

There was a need to increase creator retention on our platform. Many creators abandoned their accounts after a short period due to a lack of motivation or feeling disconnected from the community. This led to a decline in content quality and quantity, resulting in lower engagement from our users.

To address these challenges, our team identified gamification as a potential solution to create an aspirational and rewarding environment for creators, thereby motivating and inspiring them to create high-quality content and increasing their retention on our platform.

These results demonstrate that gamification techniques, such as milestones and streaks, can be highly effective in motivating creators to produce high-quality content and remain active on the platform. Phase 1 was a success and set the foundation for our ongoing efforts to create an inspiring and rewarding environment for creators.

Visual Identity for Content Communication and the App:

Crafted a vibrant and captivating visual identity inspired by the content created on the platform. The identity, derived from the analysis of content creators and their impact on user engagement, incorporated relevant colors and a visually rich design language. Regular research calls with creator communities ensured the design aligned with their preferences. The implementation of the new visual design language resulted in a remarkable increase in user engagement and garnered a positive response, ultimately enhancing the overall brand image and user experience.

To create a visually engaging and cohesive visual identity that reflects the essence of creator content on the ShareChat platform, enhancing user engagement and brand recognition.

  1. Content Analysis: Analyzed the content created by platform users to identify common themes, colors, and design elements that resonated with the audience.

  2. Creator Community Collaboration: Conducted regular research calls and workshops with the creator community to gather insights and align the visual identity with their preferences and style.

  3. Design Language Development: Developed a visually rich and vibrant design language that incorporated the discovered colors, gradients, and type treatments.

  1. Color & Gradients: A comprehensive color palette and gradient system that represented the essence of the creator community and the platform’s personality.

  2. Type Treatment: Typography choices, ensuring consistency

  3. Personality: A clear and documented description of the platform’s visual personality, including visual elements, motifs, and the emotions they evoke.

  4. Application Guidelines: Detailed guidelines for applying the new visual identity across the platform, including social media, web, and mobile applications.


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